Sunday, May 1, 2011

332 to go...

If the first day is a sign of the next 332 days....oh lord I can't even imagine!

Out of the apt by 7:15am on a Saturday with two sleeping boys and a promise for a stop for the finest sugary morning confection. The bait and switch instigated a couple of groans but their growling bellies didn't seem to mind.

8am on the dot...acupuncture. It's been many months since my last treatment...I skip from one legendary chinese practitioner to the next. This time was extremely poignant that afforded me the clarity I've been seeking for so long...well really my entire adult life. How could in just one day I have the keys to unlock the mystery of my angst. Could it be that now that I know the cause I can finally rest and be at peace with just all that I have created thus far...the mess as well as the jewels?

I think so....if it's only taken me 39 years to unravel the dysfunctional entanglement or should I say enstranglement of my thought constructs I think I have hit the jackpot! I'm now wondering is what if just the committment to honor myself, my practice, my family life and structurizing my day to day for the next 332 days is all it took for me to end my relentless search. I think it's time to start my first book...hahhaa! That was on my ex-husband's bucket not mine, but hey I've got a lotta good juicy stories to tell. And I've just begun, almost a whole year to go.

I really don't think that anyone will take the time out of their life to read about some silly yoga teacher nurse recount all of her so-called "coincidences" and buy into her ideologic reasoning that these happenings are really mystical experiences at the cross roads with God or whatever you want to call it.

so, coincidence #1...I wake up and copy an Emerson quote and forward to 2 very special people who I just happen to feel need to hear it. It has to do with happiness. He says that happiness is not what we should seek but to contribute to others happiness and live well! Well, basically.

Ok so whatever does this mean...well, I guess you'd need to know who the heck I sent them to and why. Now it's getting really personal, shall I? Hmmmm. I will leave these innocent bystanders un-named for now. Anyway, the discussion with my acupuncturist just happens to delve into the world of mothering boys. How boys need to feel valued and a sense of worth. It becomes quite a struggle when a strong father figure is absent from their daily life.

"Reveal"ation, ah behold...could this be what I've been yearning for and hence attracted to all these years. My knight? The emotional release stimulated by the placement of many very fine needles in a predetermined pattern for spiritual "whatever" wiped the fog from my lenses. OMG it all makes perfect sense. So after almost 2 hours, tears, waves of tingling currents throughout my body, and wonderment I suddenly able to release the vice around my heart a little more. Don't worry I've still got more work to do here:)

Anyway, I told Yu She about the psychologist, plus three other special people, who practiced Ho'oponopono at the University of HI. What is Ho'oponopono?: (well it just so happens there's this workshop evite that comes over today, well, yesterday)...

A Hawaiian Meditation forHealing & Transformation
Please join Dawn Marie for this guided meditation using Young Living Essential Oils and a Hawaiian spiritual tool for healing and reconciliation, to clean the slate of pain and past grievances and bring fresh new energy into our bodies, our relationships, and our lives. This technique can be applied to anything in your life that you want to change, improve or transform. We will also use Ho'oponopono to send a special blessing to Japan, the Earth and the Waters.

this promise is becoming more promising:) AND THIS IS ONLY PART OF MY DAY...

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